You can do this in serving, in giving, in singing, and in admiring his majesty in creation. The idea that citizens of Jerusalem lay palm branches and sang hosannas five days before they screamed, “Crucify him!” shows how quickly we can focus on ourselves. Worship is not praising the God you want. It’s praising the God who is. Worship is what we’re created for, and we’re never more at peace than when we’re doing what we’re created to do. Bicycle seats buy sildenafil are known for putting up stress on all organs of the body, which in turn supports the release level of nitric oxide. Formulated with FDA-approved ingredient sildenafil citrate this medication works by unwinding the veins in the purchase levitra online penis once a man face it in his sexual life. The heart is weakened by this variation, which then reduces the levitra prices efficiency of blood circulation. What are the low price viagra Precautions for Oral ED Treatment? If suffering from cardiovascular disorder, diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular conditions, heart diseases, liver or kidney problems should consult a qualified medical expert before taking the drug. But God didn’t give us worship because we have to remind him of how good he is. God knows he’s holy. He gave us worship as a gift so we can do what we’re created to do and enjoy community with him.

A sign of spiritual maturity is when we show that we know the gift is to be given back. May our hearts spill with such gratitude that we’re never hesitant, never bashful to lift our voices to praise to one who gives us a thriving life.
This was my devotion today in 31 days to Thrive by Casting Crowns. It was so good I had to share it.