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May 2011

In This Issue
Featured Article
Featured Article

We have ducks!
ducks cropped
With great excitement, our children welcomed ducks to join our chickens.  We have 14 grown ducks and 12 ducklings!

There will be a garage sale on May 14 at Cornerstone Church, 8200 Schrade Rd., Rowlett, Texas.  This sale is to raise funds for a planned trip to Kenya this summer.  All donations are welcome!  If you live locally, and would like to donate items, please contact either:
If you don’t live locally, but would like to help, please consider making a donation based on the worth of the items you would have donated.  Thank you so much for your support!

Dear Friend,

Greetings in the name of the Lord!
I pray this newsletter finds you well and blessed.  God is good!  I wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up to date with the exciting things God is doing through this ministry.

Home to Kenya

land purchaseI leave on May 18th

for Kenya!  Please help me cover this trip in prayer.  There is much to accomplish.  We have received the first $25,000.00 on the two-to-one match presented at our Celebration Dinner.  With those funds, we hope to purchase additional land for future expansion as shown in the google photo above.  On this land we plan to build two new dorms, a school, a clinic, and a church!  Please pray for favor with the land office as I meet with them.

I am also hoping to meet with the area advisery council on our registration and to meet with the Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga.  He lives relatively close to our Children’s Home and we have a possible contact through mutual friends.  Please cover both of these proposed meetings in prayer.  I am often amazed at how God orchestrates partnerships in ministry and believe this to be an enormous opportunity!

Fish Pond Success!

 lrg fish szdppl around pond

 fish in hand

Our fish farm project is now yielding great dividends!  Not only are we able to provide fish to help feed our children, we are now able to sell to the community to help support the project!  We are planning to dig three additional fish ponds in the future.

Progress in Honduras

Our project in Honduras is coming along.  The plastering on the large building has been completed.  The next step in the building process is the installation of windows and doors.  The funding needed to complete that project is around $7,000.00.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  As always, project needs are great, but please also consider making a donation or monthly pledge to our general fund. Funds given towards our general fund allow us the freedom to use monies where they are most needed.  With the changes in our economy, food  and fuel costs have increased around the globe.  The impact in Kenya is staggering.  Please help as you are able. Most importantly, please pray for us as we travel and spread the message of salvation through Jesus Christ!

Rev. Greg Haynes