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CTL LOGO  Newsletter
                   December  2012

Merry Christmas!





 Please pray for us!

We can’t wait to get back to Kenya!  There are many things to accomplish on this trip.  We will have our Christmas celebration with our children, implement a Children’s Church program, put a roof on Joshua’s church (we built the walls last trip), build a new church for New Wine Fellowship in Kisumu, as well as spend precious time with our children and staff.  Please remember us in your prayers for travel safety, no hinderances, and the advancement of God’s Kingdom!

Please contact

with changes in

contact information, any questions about donations, etc.

Joshua and Susan

 Pastor Joshua and Susan are engaged!  We are so happy for them and pray for God’s blessings!




 New truck!

We got the truck! Thank you to all those who made this happen. Carry The Light now owns a brand new 2013 Kia 4×4 commercial truck in Honduras. Pastor Salomon is all smiles! We will now be able to move children, church members, mission teams and building materials. God is good!   

We believe that we will receive the okay to begin taking children into the home in Honduras very soon.  Before that happens, we need to purchase 40 twin-size “bed in a bag” sets as well as 40 mattresses.  A $25 donation will provide either a mattress or bedding for one bed and $50 will provide both.  Please consider donating toward this cause!




Dear Friends,

It is getting warmer here in our little neck of Kenya and it causes us all to move a little slower than CRAIG & CHERIEusual, even the children, believe it or not. I have been trying do some things with them that requires little energy or effort like coloring, drawing, singing (they are always ready to sing) and one day I took some large drawing tablets down to the dining hall along with several boxes of colored pencils to see if any of the kids wanted to draw. We had sooo much fun! Everyone from the cook to the security guards, the room mothers to the pastor wanted drawing paper. We drew most of the afternoon and even the adults turned their drawings in for me to see and collect. Everyone loves to draw!
A couple of weeks ago we received word that our cook had been in a motorcycle accident. He was banged up some, but will be okay. The important thing is that he recognized that it was God who spared his life and he was asking us to come and pray for him to receive the Lord! While we were praying, his wife came and knelt beside him and also got saved. Then his uncle, who admitted to being a “drunkard” (his own words of confession and repentance) also got saved. If that wasn’t enough, that afternoon at the class where Craig is teaching pastors and other men who have a desire to come, one of the new security guards gave his life to the Lord! Please rejoice with us as even the angels in heaven rejoice over one salvation. Most are saved here but there are  a few exceptions. God is on the move here and for three plus years now this home has been a light to the community. Babu, you will have a few baptisms to perform when you get here!
~Papa Craig and Mama Cherie


Because of all your prayers, financial support, and the support of our Parent Sponsors, God has richly blessed our Ministry this year which has allowed us in turn, to be a blessing. It is our prayer as 2012 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2013 that God will continue to bless all those dear to us and expand all of our territories.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, our pastors and missionaries in the field, and all of our children in Kenya, Donna and I wish you and yours a very Merry CHRISTmas and a prosperous New Year!

BIG things are just around the corner . . . . .

In His service,

Greg and Donna Haynes