It’s Christmas Gift Time! 

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Carry the Light Children’s Home – Usigu, Kenya
Dear Sponsor,
We are busily preparing for this year’s Christmas celebration in Kenya and you can be part of the celebration!  
Please take a moment to make your $20 donation to provide for your child’s Christmas gift, dinner and party. You can do this through ourwebsite, ,or by mailing your donation to our office (Carrythe Light, P.O. Box 1928, Rowlett, Texas 75030). 
One of the things we would like to provide for each child is a mini-backpack. The backpacks in Kenya are not of very good quality and we are hopeful that American backpacks will last a good long time. We would like tobackpackplace a picture of their sponsor and a letter and/or card from their sponsor in each child’s backpack. If you would like to purchase a backpack yourself for us to take to  Kenya, you may do so. Please note that it must be a mini-backpack that measures no more than 12 inches x 8 inches. Larger backpacks will not be taken. Please be sure to make your $20 donation even if you send a backpack. It provides so much more and is very important! 
Please make sure your letter and photo (and backpack if you choose to purchase your own) arrives at our office no later than December 15.  Each and every child loves their sponsor and longs to have contact with them and see their face. Please, please send your letter and picture.
  CHRISTMAS GIFTS!   Christmas PJs!
Rev. Greg Haynes